Thursday, April 16, 2009

Holiness to the LORD

The House of the LORD. We went to the temple yesterday, and I can't even begin to express how I felt. I suppose that each time you go it gets better and more meaningful for you, especially when it has been a while. The minute I walked in and sat down in that waiting area, I felt a peace like none other, and knew that I was in a holy place where the Lord could truly come and dwell if He so pleased. I was quite excited to see so many from the ward there, and it was great that Drew got to come for his first time. When we got to the chapel, the Spirit really hit me as the temple president talked about just how much of a refuge and what kind of a place the temple is, and how we are our own temples and can keep that peace inside of us if we would but keep the Spirit within us. I've never felt more calm!

Then it was time for confirmations. As I sat waiting I saw Brother Capener dipping his son into the water. What a special experience that must have been. (You should have seen Drew's hair after when he came into the dressing room! Hillarious!) Anyways, then it was time for me to sit. Oh man, could I feel the priesthood power in that room! Baptisms were the same...I found it interesting that almost everyone I was baptized for was named Jose and were from Mexico. Hmmm....

Of course, the drive home was fun as always. Jr. Frostys, and all the guys bugging each other as always :D (Can you say "arctic leapord"?)

I didn't want to leave. I look forward to going again, and meeting those on the other side...I'm not sure what I'm going to do about names though. (Jose #1, Josue, Jose Diaz,...) :)

(Draper Utah Temple)


Alicia said...

Hi Tony thanks for stopping by today. For some reason I thought I had commented on this but I guess I didn't. I read it when you first posted it but forgot to say something. Anywhoo...

I think that is so cool that one of the names was "Diaz" coinsedence?? I think not. What a great example you are to the young men in your ward. You are so very needed in this church. You are going to be such a great missionary! already are.

I love the temple!! I did a session today. It's been almost ten years since I first experienced the Endowment. Since then I have returned over a hundred times. I have gained such a love and a reverence for all of the performances and ordinances inside this sacred place. Sometimes when I'm having a hard day, I recall the promises and blessings extended to me there and I feel the Mercy of the Lord encourage me and strengthen me. I love the Temple!! It is beautiful!!

I think this is the first time I've ever seen a picture of the Massachusetts Temple.

Tony said...

Yes, I have to agree with you about the temple :D

Perhaps it is just my naivete, but I plan to go to the temple as much as time permits. I always here of temple assignments needing to be filled and wish that I was older, had recieved my endowment and could volunteer! :D
Perhaps I'll be called to be a temple worker...wishful thinking maybe.

Anyways, thank you for your comments and shared experiences!

Anonymous said...

Tony, thank you for visiting my site today and leaving such a nice comment. I am thrilled to read of your temple experience and your sweet testimony. I have found that the promises of our prophet and apostles are true: the more we attend the temple, the more sanctified we become, and the more strength we are given to live in the world, but not of the world. Keep the faith - MoSop